num = request("num")
strPathInfo = request("name")
img_fileinfo = right(strPathInfo,12)
img_fileinfo = Left(img_fileinfo,8)
strPathInfo = replace(strPathInfo, ";", "")
strPathInfo = replace(strPathInfo, "&", "")
'response.write strPathInfo
k = Right(Trim(strPathInfo),5)
If (k = "1.htm" OR k = "2.htm" OR k = "3.htm" OR k = "4.htm" OR k = "5.htm" OR k = "6.htm" OR k = "7.htm" OR k = "8.htm" OR k = "9.htm" OR k = "0.htm") Then
a = Right(strPathInfo, 12)
b = Mid(a, 1, 8)
strPhysicalPath = Server.MapPath(strPathInfo)
set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(strPhysicalPath)
set objFileTextStream = objFile.OpenAsTextStream(1, -2)
strFileLine = objFileTextStream.ReadLine
p = Mid(Trim(strPathInfo), 14, 6)
sub_title = Mid(strFileLine,13,2)
If sub_title = "축구" Then
strPhysicalPath2 = Server.MapPath("/news/template/article_soccer.htm")
p = Mid(Trim(strPathInfo), 14, 6)
catid = "sports"
types = "sports"
floating = "soccer"
ElseIf sub_title = "야구" Then
If Mid(strFileLine,14,2) = "구/" Then
strPhysicalPath2 = Server.MapPath("/news/template/article_baseball.htm")
catid = "sports"
types = "sports"
floating = "baseball"
sub_title = "MLB/NPB"
strPhysicalPath2 = Server.MapPath("/news/template/article_baseball.htm")
catid = "sports"
types = "sports"
floating = "baseball"
floating2 = "b"
End If
p = Mid(Trim(strPathInfo), 14, 6)
ElseIf sub_title = "스포" Then
strPhysicalPath2 = Server.MapPath("/news/template/article_others.htm")
p = Mid(Trim(strPathInfo), 14, 6)
catid = "sports"
types = "sports"
floating = "sports"
ElseIf sub_title = "종합" Then
strPhysicalPath2 = Server.MapPath("/news/template/article_others.htm")
p = Mid(Trim(strPathInfo), 14, 6)
catid = "sports"
types = "sports"
floating = "sports"
sub_title = "종합"
ElseIf sub_title = "농구" Then
strPhysicalPath2 = Server.MapPath("/news/template/article_others.htm")
p = Mid(Trim(strPathInfo), 14, 6)
catid = "sports"
types = "sports"
floating = "sports"
ElseIf sub_title = "골프" Then
strPhysicalPath2 = Server.MapPath("/news/template/article_others.htm")
p = Mid(Trim(strPathInfo), 14, 6)
catid = "sports"
types = "sports"
floating = "sports"
ElseIf sub_title = "TV" Then
strPhysicalPath2 = Server.MapPath("/news/template/article_tv.htm")
p = Mid(Trim(strPathInfo), 21, 6)
catid = "entertainment"
types = "entertainment"
floating = "enter"
ElseIf sub_title = "TV" Then
strPhysicalPath2 = Server.MapPath("/news/template/article_tv.htm")
p = Mid(Trim(strPathInfo), 21, 6)
catid = "entertainment"
types = "entertainment"
floating = "enter"
ElseIf sub_title = "음악" Then
strPhysicalPath2 = Server.MapPath("/news/template/article_music.htm")
p = Mid(Trim(strPathInfo), 21, 6)
catid = "entertainment"
types = "entertainment"
floating = "enter"
ElseIf sub_title = "영화" Then
strPhysicalPath2 = Server.MapPath("/news/template/article_movie.htm")
p = Mid(Trim(strPathInfo), 21, 6)
catid = "entertainment"
types = "entertainment"
floating = "enter"
ElseIf sub_title = "문화" Then
strPhysicalPath2 = Server.MapPath("/news/template/article_culture.htm")
p = Mid(Trim(strPathInfo), 12, 6)
catid = "life"
types = "life"
floating = "life"
ElseIf sub_title = "생활" Then
strPhysicalPath2 = Server.MapPath("/news/template/article_living.htm")
p = Mid(Trim(strPathInfo), 12, 6)
catid = "life"
types = "game"
floating = "life"
ElseIf sub_title = "게임" Then
strPhysicalPath2 = Server.MapPath("/news/template/article_game.htm")
p = Mid(Trim(strPathInfo), 21, 6)
catid = "it"
types = "game"
floating = "game"
ElseIf sub_title = "뉴스" Then
strPhysicalPath2 = Server.MapPath("/news/template/article_topic.htm")
p = Mid(Trim(strPathInfo), 12, 6)
catid = "life"
types = "life"
floating = "life"
ElseIf sub_title = "세계" Then
strPhysicalPath2 = Server.MapPath("/news/template/article_world.htm")
p = Mid(Trim(strPathInfo), 12, 6)
catid = "life"
types = "life"
floating = "life"
ElseIf sub_title = "경제" Then
strPhysicalPath2 = Server.MapPath("/news/template/article_economic.htm")
p = Mid(Trim(strPathInfo), 12, 6)
catid = "life"
types = "life"
floating = "life"
ElseIf sub_title = "정치" Then
strPhysicalPath2 = Server.MapPath("/news/template/article_politic.htm")
p = Mid(Trim(strPathInfo), 12, 6)
catid = "life"
types = "life"
floating = "life"
ElseIf sub_title = "스페" Then
strPhysicalPath2 = Server.MapPath("/news/template/article_special.htm")
p = Mid(Trim(strPathInfo), 12, 6)
catid = "life"
types = "life"
floating = "life"
ElseIf sub_title = "레저" Then
strPhysicalPath2 = Server.MapPath("/news/template/article_travel.htm")
p = Mid(Trim(strPathInfo), 12, 6)
catid = "life"
types = "life"
floating = "life"
ElseIf sub_title = "경마" Then
strPhysicalPath2 = Server.MapPath("/news/template/article_race.htm")
p = Mid(Trim(strPathInfo), 12, 6)
catid = "life"
types = "life"
floating = "life"
ElseIf sub_title = "정보" Then
strPhysicalPath2 = Server.MapPath("/news/template/article_it.htm")
p = Mid(Trim(strPathInfo), 12, 6)
catid = "life"
types = "life"
floating = "life"
ElseIf sub_title = "IT" Then
strPhysicalPath2 = Server.MapPath("/news/template/article_it.htm")
p = Mid(Trim(strPathInfo), 12, 6)
catid = "life"
types = "life"
floating = "life"
End If
set objFSO2 = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set objFile2 = objFSO2.GetFile(strPhysicalPath2)
set objFileTextStream2 = objFile2.OpenAsTextStream(1, -2)
if request("ut") = "" Then
Do while k < 18
strFileLine = objFileTextStream2.ReadLine
strLine = Server.HTMLEncode(strFileLine)
strLine = replace(strLine,"&", "&")
strLine = replace(strLine,"<", "<")
strLine = replace(strLine,">", ">")
strLine = replace(strLine, """, "'")
response.Write strLine
k = k + 1
Do while k < 30
strFileLine = objFileTextStream2.ReadLine
strLine = Server.HTMLEncode(strFileLine)
strLine = replace(strLine,"&", "&")
strLine = replace(strLine,"<", "<")
strLine = replace(strLine,">", ">")
strLine = replace(strLine, """, "'")
response.Write strLine
k = k + 1
Do while k < 49
strFileLine = objFileTextStream2.ReadLine
strLine = Server.HTMLEncode(strFileLine)
strLine = replace(strLine,"&", "&")
strLine = replace(strLine,"<", "<")
strLine = replace(strLine,">", ">")
strLine = replace(strLine, """, "'")
response.Write strLine
k = k + 1
Do while k < 61
strFileLine = objFileTextStream2.ReadLine
strLine = Server.HTMLEncode(strFileLine)
strLine = replace(strLine,"&", "&")
strLine = replace(strLine,"<", "<")
strLine = replace(strLine,">", ">")
strLine = replace(strLine, """, "'")
response.Write strLine
k = k + 1
If sub_title = "스페" Then
sub_title = "스페셜"
End If
'제목 추려내기...
i = 0
Do while i < 1
strFileLine = objFileTextStream.ReadLine
strLine = Server.HTMLEncode(strFileLine)
strLine = replace(strLine,"&", "&")
strLine = replace(strLine,"<", "<")
strLine = replace(strLine,">", ">")
'strLine = replace(strLine, """, "'")
if i = 0 Then
response.Write strLine
title = strLine
title = replace(title,"", "")
title = replace(title,"", "")
title = replace(title,"
", "")
title_encode = title
End If
i = i + 1
Do while k < 67
strFileLine = objFileTextStream2.ReadLine
strLine = Server.HTMLEncode(strFileLine)
strLine = replace(strLine,"&", "&")
strLine = replace(strLine,"<", "<")
strLine = replace(strLine,">", ">")
strLine = replace(strLine, """, "'")
response.Write strLine
k = k + 1
'SNS 연동 시작
Public Function URLEncodeUTF8(byVal szSource)
Dim szChar, WideChar, nLength, i, result
nLength = Len(szSource)
For i = 1 To nLength
szChar = Mid(szSource, i, 1)
If Asc(szChar) < 0 Then
WideChar = CLng(AscB(MidB(szChar, 2, 1))) * 256 + AscB(MidB(szChar, 1, 1))
If (WideChar And &HFF80) = 0 Then
result = result & "%" & Hex(WideChar)
ElseIf (WideChar And &HF000) = 0 Then
result = result & _
"%" & Hex(CInt((WideChar And &HFFC0) / 64) Or &HC0) & _
"%" & Hex(WideChar And &H3F Or &H80)
result = result & _
"%" & Hex(CInt((WideChar And &HF000) / 4096) Or &HE0) & _
"%" & Hex(CInt((WideChar And &HFFC0) / 64) And &H3F Or &H80) & _
"%" & Hex(WideChar And &H3F Or &H80)
End If
result = result + szChar
End If
URLEncodeUTF8 = result
End Function
title_encode = URLEncodeUTF8(title_encode)

'SNS 연동 끝
Do while k < 68
strFileLine = objFileTextStream2.ReadLine
strLine = Server.HTMLEncode(strFileLine)
strLine = replace(strLine,"&", "&")
strLine = replace(strLine,"<", "<")
strLine = replace(strLine,">", ">")
strLine = replace(strLine, """, "'")
response.Write strLine
k = k + 1
'시간 추려내기...
Do while i < 2
strFileLine = objFileTextStream.ReadLine
strLine = Server.HTMLEncode(strFileLine)
strLine = replace(strLine,"&", "&")
strLine = replace(strLine,"<", "<")
strLine = replace(strLine,">", ">")
strLine = replace(strLine, """, "'")
strLine = replace(strLine, "
", "")
response.Write strLine
i = i + 1
Do while k < 75
strFileLine = objFileTextStream2.ReadLine
strLine = Server.HTMLEncode(strFileLine)
strLine = replace(strLine,"&", "&")
strLine = replace(strLine,"<", "<")
strLine = replace(strLine,">", ">")
strLine = replace(strLine, """, "'")
response.Write strLine
k = k + 1
'내용 추려내기...
If Mid(strPathInfo,7,1) = "s" Then ' sports일 경우....
c = Mid(strPathInfo,1,37)
ElseIf Mid(strPathInfo,7,1) = "e" Then
c = Mid(strPathInfo,1,44)
c = Mid(strPathInfo,1,35)
End If
flagtag = 0
ii = 0
Do while i < 10000
strFileLine = objFileTextStream.ReadLine
strLine = Server.HTMLEncode(strFileLine)
strLine = replace(strLine,"&", "&")
strLine = replace(strLine,"<", "<")
strLine = replace(strLine,"
", "
strLine = replace(strLine,img_fileinfo , "http://manhwa.sportschosun.com" & img_fileinfo)
strLine = replace(strLine,b, c) ' 절대링크로 바꾸기...
strLine = replace(strLine,">", ">")
strLine = replace(strLine, """, chr(34))
strLine = replace(strLine, "굛", "세")
intwhere = InStr(strLine, "")
if intwhere > 0 Then
i = 9999
End If
response.Write strLine
i = i + 1
Do while k < 85
strFileLine = objFileTextStream2.ReadLine
strLine = Server.HTMLEncode(strFileLine)
strLine = replace(strLine,"&", "&")
strLine = replace(strLine,"<", "<")
strLine = replace(strLine,">", ">")
strLine = replace(strLine, """, "'")
response.Write strLine
k = k + 1
☞ 아이폰용 어플리케이션 '스포츠조선 프로농구 시즌10-11' 다운로드
Do while k < 97
strFileLine = objFileTextStream2.ReadLine
strLine = Server.HTMLEncode(strFileLine)
strLine = replace(strLine,"&", "&")
strLine = replace(strLine,"<", "<")
strLine = replace(strLine,">", ">")
strLine = replace(strLine, """, "'")
response.Write strLine
k = k + 1
Do while k < 106
strFileLine = objFileTextStream2.ReadLine
strLine = Server.HTMLEncode(strFileLine)
strLine = replace(strLine,"&", "&")
strLine = replace(strLine,"<", "<")
strLine = replace(strLine,">", ">")
strLine = replace(strLine, """, "'")
response.Write strLine
k = k + 1
Do while k < 114
strFileLine = objFileTextStream2.ReadLine
strLine = Server.HTMLEncode(strFileLine)
strLine = replace(strLine,"&", "&")
strLine = replace(strLine,"<", "<")
strLine = replace(strLine,">", ">")
strLine = replace(strLine, """, "'")
response.Write strLine
k = k + 1
Do while k < 126
strFileLine = objFileTextStream2.ReadLine
strLine = Server.HTMLEncode(strFileLine)
strLine = replace(strLine,"&", "&")
strLine = replace(strLine,"<", "<")
strLine = replace(strLine,">", ">")
strLine = replace(strLine, """, "'")
response.Write strLine
k = k + 1
If Session("szo_id") = "" Then
End If
Do while k < 135
strFileLine = objFileTextStream2.ReadLine
strLine = Server.HTMLEncode(strFileLine)
strLine = replace(strLine,"&", "&")
strLine = replace(strLine,"<", "<")
strLine = replace(strLine,">", ">")
strLine = replace(strLine, """, "'")
response.Write strLine
k = k + 1
Do while k < 148
strFileLine = objFileTextStream2.ReadLine
strLine = Server.HTMLEncode(strFileLine)
strLine = replace(strLine,"&", "&")
strLine = replace(strLine,"<", "<")
strLine = replace(strLine,">", ">")
strLine = replace(strLine, """, "'")
response.Write strLine
k = k + 1
Do while k < 149
strFileLine = objFileTextStream2.ReadLine
strLine = Server.HTMLEncode(strFileLine)
strLine = replace(strLine,"&", "&")
strLine = replace(strLine,"<", "<")
strLine = replace(strLine,">", ">")
strLine = replace(strLine, """, "'")
response.Write strLine
k = k + 1
End If
End If